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Fitness for the Over 50s Volumes 1, 2 and 3 OFFER BUNDLE

Fitness for the Over 50s Volumes 1, 2 and 3 OFFER BUNDLE

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Product code: FITV123Released: 19 July 2011612 minutes

Product description

Offer Bundle contains Fitness for the Over 50s Volume 1 Box Set, Volume 2 Box Set and Volume 3 Box Set

Nancy Marmorat’s experience coaching people of all age groups has inspired her to devise specially-adapted keep-fit programmes for people aged over 50. In this 3-DVD set you will be guided through stretching exercises and gentle gymnastics to increase your flexibility, learn how to strengthen your muscles and discover how just 15 minutes exercise a day can keep you in good shape.

Nancy’s keep-fit programmes are known around the world, and now you can take advantage of her expertise in the comfort of your own home, with detailed instructions and clear, easy-to-follow demonstrations at every stage.

Fitness for the Over 50s (3 DVD) Volume 1 Box Set

Increase Flexibility - divided into 6 sessions:

  • The warm-up
  • Stretching the lower limbs
  • Stretching the torso and neck
  • Stretching the upper limbs
  • Floor exercises
  • Bonus – For a feeling of well-being, a few small exercises to ease your back.

Strengthen Muscles - divided into 6 sessions:

  • Muscle strengthening exercises in a standing position
  • Stretching exercises in a standing position
  • Muscle strengthening exercises on the floor
  • Stretching exercises on the floor
  • Cardio-pulmonary work
  • Abdominal muscles

Get Into Shape - divided into 3 sessions:

  • The warm-up
  • The session
  • A return to calm with exercise to make you more supple

Fitness for the Over 50s Volume 2 (3 DVD) Box Set

Exercise Preparation - It’s never too late to start! This programme is aimed at two groups of people - complete beginners who have never taken part in sport; and older people who, after a health issue, wish to resume a progressive physical activity. The DVD offers easy to do exercises. They can all be done either standing or, for those for whom standing is painful, while sitting in a chair. Thanks to this programme, you’ll be sure of the complete physical upkeep of your body, and especially of maintaining the mobility of your joints for as long as possible.

Morning Stretching - Maintain your body’s wellbeing every day. In this programme Nancy takes you through three stretching sessions of 20 minutes each, to do every morning and start your day off well. Stretching is a discipline which combines muscle contraction and stretching, to gently make you supple without pain. All the suggested exercises can be done easily, and all pursue the same objective of daily wellbeing. To complement the stretching sessions there are balance and breathing exercises designed for the specific needs of older people.

Balance and Co-ordination - Rediscover how good it feels to have balance! This programme’s aim is to improve balance and help prevent falls. After a basic session, aimed at keeping in good physical shape, there are workshops which bring into play different reflexes: balance, speed of reaction, sensory information and floor contact. The DVD is divided into 2 parts: a basic session of around 25 minutes focused on flexibility and muscle strengthening and seven specific workshops, of around 5 minutes each, dealing with balance and co-ordination.

Fitness for the Over 50s Volume 3 (3 DVD) Box Set

Nancy Marmorat’s experience as a personal trainer to people of all ages inspired her to devise specially-adapted keep-fit programmes for people aged over 50. This 3-DVD set is the third volume of programmes featuring Nancy’s carefully designed and fully explained and demonstrated exercises which will help keep you in good shape.

Active Walking - Scientists confirm walking is good for your health, in fact it is recommended you walk for at least 30 minutes every day. In this DVD Nancy offers a simple programme of walking on the spot accompanied by music, to be done in your own home, to keep you in shape. This programme is suitable for all – you just need to be able to walk. Thanks to Active Walking, you’ll be taking up a physical activity, maintaining your weight and improving the endurance of your heart and lungs. This programme is divided into six parts of 10 minutes each.

Muscle Tone - Make the most of your exercise to strengthen muscles with specially adapted equipment. This programme consists of a gym session with a ball and exercise band, two items easy to find in the shops. They are both excellent tools for strengthening muscles and can be adapted to anyone’s requirements, regardless of physical condition. Older people in particular will appreciate that the ball and band facilitate gentle exercise which won’t harm joints. This programme is divided into 6 parts.

Gentle Gym - Rediscover physical wellbeing thanks to gentle gym. This programme consists of a complete session of gentle gym, and is notable for offering a variety of very simple exercises. This DVD is specially recommended for people who want to resume a physical activity after a long break. To make this programme Nancy has chosen exercises from various gentle techniques such as Stretching, Pilates, Yoga and Relaxation. She has then adapted them for people who are looking for a gentle method for maintaining their body’s wellbeing.


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