Wedding Cakes are the ultimate expression of the sugarcraft and yet they don't have to be difficult to decorate.
By using simple techniques, Elaine MacGregor creates five stylish cakes each stunningly different.
These include a two-tiered royal iced cake with ready-made decorations for those with less experience, an iced cake topped with real chocolate and ornamented with gilded chocolate roses, a 'Teardrop Cake' featuring Royal inlay patterns, a delicate four-tiered cake and a spectacular Edwardian confection with ornate Royal icing patterns.
All five wedding cakes are tempting alternatives to expensive make-to-order cakes and will encourage you to reach new heights of sugarcrafting.
Elaine is Chairman of Judges for the British Sugarcraft Guild, an accredited judge for the Cookery and Food Association, a member of the Craft Guide of Chefs and a Fellow of the Institute of British Bakers.