World leading motorsport home entertainment
Roadside USA DVD

Roadside USA DVD


    Product code: AI003Released: 24 January 2013DVD Region: 0

    Product description

    After Mondo Enduro, Austin Vince and Clive Greenhough set off on another travel adventure - this time to spend the summer hitch-hiking 12,000 miles around the USA. Whether this was a wise idea in the most gun-happy country in the planet is for the viewer to find out...

    They wanted to meet Americans - not people from Friends or Baywatch, but real working Americans - so they interviewed everyone who gave them a lift.

    From the inhabitants of the bible-belt, to Californian spaced out astrologers, to gun-toting Texans - this is real Americana.

    Produced with No money, No film crew - and no change of clothes... this is another Austin Vince travel adventure classic.
