Germans have a word for what you’re going to see on this DVD: Schadenfreude
– taking pleasure from watching others fail.
And boy
do they fail… and fail… and fail some more. This is failure on an epic scale.
cars, speed boats, racing trucks, bikes, quads, open wheelers and more; if it
can be crashed our world-class failers deliver time and again.
just goes to prove that no matter how high you climb in your chosen field you
never get so high you can’t completely stuff it up with a hugely embarrassing
And what’s
more, you can guarantee it will happen right in front of a camera!
Sit back
and enjoy a constant stream of hilarious mishaps from all corners of the world
– safe in the knowledge that the worst injuries are to the drivers’ pride!
Just when
you thought there were no more spectacular crashes, along comes Volume 2 to
prove you wrong. Included on this bumper helping:
Macau street racing smash ups
World’s fastest strip down and rebuild – the
American Le Mans Series way
A fiery end for John McGuinness’s Fireblade at
the North West 200
Classic Bike Grand Prix chaos
Expensive mistakes in GT Racing
many, many more!