Natalie Cassidy's Then and Now Workout DVD features the ex
-Eastenders actress (who played Sonja) and her workout routine from trainer Dee
Thresher, who also helped co-Eastenders star Charlie Brooks loose 2 stone
Ex-Eastenders actress Natalie Cassidy has shed her old body along with her
old character - so long Sonja.
"Hiya. Believe me I never thought I’d be able to show my stomach off in
public! So I am thrilled and delighted to show you how I’ve done it and I know
if you follow this DVD you will get real results."
"Trainer Dee Thresher, who helped my old mate Charlie Brooks loose 2 stone,
has come up with a brilliant workout it’ll get you in a sweat but it’s worth it.
I’ve gone from 10st 8lbs to 8st 1lb and lost an incredible seven inches off my
waist alone! So go for it and watch the old you disappear!"