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Royal Britain from the Air NTSC DVD

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Product code: 6903NVReleased: 08 February 201352 minutesDVD Region: 0

Product description

Experience the grandeur, splendour and history of Britain’s royal heritage from the air in this exquisite film showing the great castles, palaces, cathedrals and more which have shaped the British Monarchy.

Stunning aerial photography, from Skyworks’s advanced high-definition camera, offers unrivalled views of the most historically-important and landscape-defining royal buildings and locations across Britain.

Informed narration guides you through the history as you enjoy the breathtaking aerial footage, discovering unique views of The Palace, and a bird's-eye view of where the Queen lives.

The kings and queens, princes and princesses, royal dukes and duchesses, as well as countless illegitimate children, have all played a part in shaping Royal Britain.

Many of the places including castles, palaces and houses where historic events took place still exist to connect the thread of Royalty from the first century to today.

Royal Britain from the Air starts with a summary of what we will see and how far we will travel across the country. The places this royal DVD visits have seen murder, romance, politics, imprisonment, tragedy, execution and celebration. In the landscape battles were fought for the crown and dynasties changed. For centuries Wales and Scotland fought its larger neighbour England until eventually the Britain we know today was formed.

Royal Britain from the Air tells the story of monarchy through the places where the actual events took place and take a journey through time to the present day.

Among the historic buildings and landscapes featured are Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Canterbury Cathedral, Balmoral, Sandringham, the Tower of London, Hampton Court, Blenheim Palace, War of the Roses battleground Bosworth Field and The Wash, where King John lost the crown jewels!


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