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The Spitfire : Deconstructing Design Icons DVD

The Spitfire : Deconstructing Design Icons DVD

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Product code: 6213Released: 11 February 200865 minutesDVD Region: 2

Product description

The Spitfire is more than just an aeroplane. It is an icon.
Few British people will dispute the assertion that the Supermarine Spitfire was the most famous aircraft ever to serve with the Royal Air Force. Today, whenever a Spitfire flies overhead, eyes turn skywards, sinews stiffen and hearts young and old beat a little faster.
National pride has taken many knocks over the years but the Spitfire reminds us of a time when unity of purpose brought the country together like no other.
Using footage of restored aircraft, this DVD looks at the Spitfire as a machine that was developed over it's twelve year career to the point that the last marks were more than twice as powerful as Mitchell's original design. But the programme also looks at the
Spitfire as a fighting aeroplane and the many roles and armed services in which it performed - over a thousand were delivered to the Soviet Air Force as well as the US Army Air Force.
By the end of its career, more than 22,000 Spitfires had been built.
Today, the Spitfires still cast their magic over all that see them. A whole industry has built up around the desire to keep the Spitfire in the public eye.
This programme features restorers, operators and pilots to find out what it is that makes the Spitfire legend so enduring.


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