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Havoc 12 Duke Archive DVD

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Product code: 5269DAReleased: 23 November 201060 minutesDVD Region: 0

Product description

Another all-action dose of class-act crashes and infamous prangs, as we proudly present number TWELVE in the highly acclaimed Havoc series. From thousands of hours of top motorsport action filmed world-wide during the Nineties, we've chosen sixty minutes of the most dramatic, heart-stopping moments when even the mighty fall! You'll be amazed by over 200 crashes from a range of car and bikesport action - touring cars, single-seaters, rally, Superbikes, Formula Fords etc. etc... demonstrating that top-class skill and talent are no guarantee of infallibility! PLUS in-car cameras help to capture the truly spectacular thrills of these shuddering shunts!
