The 1991 Guyson Beadblast RAC British Hillclimb Championship was held at a selection of classic hills in Britain, Ireland and the Channel Isles. The action-packed round shown in this video was held at hillclimbing's premier hills - Prescott, Shelsey Walsh, Loton Park, Harewood and Gurston Down. Leading players included Martyn Griffiths and Roy Lane (both driving Pilbeam's) but this superb video is not just about the big names. All classes are featured, from the classic 500 class through all the road and competition classes up to the 600 horsepower flying machines. Dramatic in-car footage shows the driver's-eye-view of many courses, as these superbly engineered cars, some fitted with Formula One power units, launch themselves ever onwards and upwards in a quest to trim fractions of seconds off their times.