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Monte Carlo Classic Challenge 1991 Duke Archive DVD

Monte Carlo Classic Challenge 1991 Duke Archive DVD

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Product code: 3287DAReleased: 24 November 201044 minutesDVD Region: 0

Product description

The Monte Carlo, dubbed "The Toughest Winter Classic Rally" certainly lived up its reputation for the 118 entrants who started from Edinburgh and Oslo. Blizzard conditions were encountered from the start, a foretaste of what was to come in France and Belgium. Competitors were sliding off the road on the ice and snow in all directions as they attempted to keep to the tight time schedules, and spinning tyres played havoc with any attempt to maintain the schedules. It was hard enough in a four wheeler, spare a thought for the Morgan three-wheeler which ploughed its lonely furrow to the finish on a wing and a prayer and two valve springs! It still finished though!
