World leading motorsport home entertainment
Vintage Cars ON Show VHS

Vintage Cars ON Show VHS


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    Product code: 80777Released: 01 October 2002

    Product description

    Very few inventions have affected our everyday lives as much as the motor car. it is hard to believe that something we take for granted today was virtually unknown a hundred years ago.

    Here are some of the rarest vintage cars in Britain for this programme. Every weekend at rallies all over the country proud owners display their beautiful cars from days gone by. Big, small, wild, whacky and sometimes unbelievable motor cars from the turn of the 19th century. Wallow in nostalgia with cars from the 1900s to the 1950s including Morris, Austin, Alvis and Lagonda - names from the past all brought together on one of the biggest collections of vintage cars on video.
